Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog Action Day Water Special

Today is Blog Action Day.  I confess I have mixed feelings about symbolic actions like this. I don't really think blogging will ever change the world--a pretty funny sounding thing, coming from the proprietor of something that looks a lot like a blog. I'm not going to explain that now, but if you are interested in an interesting perspective on the limits of symbolic actions, here's a good place to start.

Still, I guess a little 'blog action' can't hurt, and since this is an environmental dhaba, and the subject of Blog Action Day is water, I didn't feel I could ignore it completely.  I thought I'd run an extensive piece about water I've been working on for a while, but that's just not ready.  Instead, I'm just going run links to the best posts we've done on water in the past year. This is good stuff; do check it out!

Failing Infrastructure + Falling Water Tables=Dry Days Ahead--There's more to worry about than we sometimes think.

Photo Essay: Delhi's Nallahs--What do Delhi drains look like?  What is wonderful, and what is not about them? What to do?
Delhi Water Woes: Is this the best way?--We are laying new pipes.  But who is paying the price?

Trouble on the Yamuna: The hidden costs of unauthorized construction.--Corruption and pollution are closely related on the banks of this river!

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