2G: The Latest Big Scam
More and more it seems that 2G and CWG have more in common than their catchy sounding acronyms.
Why leak the Radia Tapes? It's time to talk motive
2G Spectrum Scam: how much is Rs 1.76 lakh crore?(A lot more than most of us can imagine.
Art, corruption, and how you can do good deeds while using the public coffers like an ATM
Questioning the Commonwealth Games:
More and more it seems that 2G and CWG have more in common than their catchy sounding acronyms.
Why leak the Radia Tapes? It's time to talk motive
2G Spectrum Scam: how much is Rs 1.76 lakh crore?(A lot more than most of us can imagine.
Art, corruption, and how you can do good deeds while using the public coffers like an ATM
Questioning the Commonwealth Games:
At the Dhaba, we think that the real cost of the Games cannot be measured in rupees, dollars or pounds. The real price we've paid has had more to do with our willingness to publicly embrace a perversion that has long been present in our priorities: the CWG have served as an excuse to put off spending on things like schools, housing and clean water, and to invest instead in things the urban middle and upper classes seem to value most--transportation, unsustainable consumption, and projects that make our city look good to outsiders.
Top 5 Commonwealth Games Pet Peeves: Complaints about the "small stuff."
A Solution to the CM's CWG PR Problems: A few new slogans and Plan B!
Commonwealth Games Corruption Scandal: The lessons we should be learning
The Power of Denial: Lessons from the CWG Corruption Scandal and the Climate Change "Debate"
Commonwealth Games 2010: History Rhyming
Breaking News: Leaks Reveal Chief Minister Dikshit is Planning Major Green Policy Shifts (Delhi as it should be--satire.)
Other Resources:
Bricks for Bread and Milk: Photo Essay in Foreign Policy
Secret Costs of the Commonwealth Games
TOI report on cost of games
Labour's Love Lost by Harsh Mander (HT)