Any journalist knows that good writing alone does not make a successful newspaper; you've got to have readers, too. The same principle applies to dhabas, virtual and otherwise. That's why we are celebrating three months and fifty posts at the Green Light Dhaba with our first annual winter subscription drive.
If you are new to the Green Light Dhaba, take a minute to check out out our top dozen posts of 2009, at the bottom of this page. In addition to in-depth coverage of the anniversary of the Bhopal disaster and the Copenhagen fiasco, you'll find all kinds of things you normally don't see on an environmental blog. Schools, space flight, atomic bombs, and ceiling fans are just a few of the topics we've covered--always from an uncompromisingly green point of view.
So far, business has been good, but we think we can do better. At the Green Light Dhaba, we won't take a paisa from advertisers, but we do believe in our product. Unlike a real world newspaper, we can't afford TV advertisements or posters on bus stops. On the other hand, we have one great advantage over other media: our subscriptions are free! And just for fun, we are offering some really great prizes. No, you won't get an ipod or even a coffee mug. But we guarantee you won't be disappointed! And really, what do you have to lose?
Here are our three levels of support and the prizes that correspond to each:
1. Green Light Subscriber:
- Subscribers subscribe to our feed through some kind of blog reading machine, like blogger, google reader or whatever. You can grab a feed at the top left of our page or here. There are probably other ways to do this, and we'll trust you to figure those out. Once you've got our feed, you simply let us know you've done it so we can send you your prize! (Instructions below).
- The Subscriber Prize Package includes: links to three hilarious videos and one serious essay--all on the politics of food!
2. Green Light Supporter:
- Supporters are people who not only subscribe to the Green Light Dhaba but they do something to help us grow our readership. This might include posting a link on Facebook or twitter; blogrolling us; or sending around a link to friends by email. Being a supporter could also includes publicly following us through Google or Networked blogs (you can do that to the left of this post). It's up to you how much you do!
- The Supporter Prize Package includes everything in the subscriber package, plus links to two more hilarious videos that deal with important geopolitical and environmental issues. We'll also send links to a few poems that every green should read.
3. Green Star Club!
- Green Star Club members really go the extra mile. This might include a shout out in a blog or magazine; it would also cover anyone who hung a banner from a flyover at rush hour. Use your imagination if you want to get into this exclusive group. To get an idea of this might look like, you can take a look at what others have said about the Green Light Dhaba: Verveonline; Known Turf; Anindita Sengupta; Bhagwad; PlasticGraduate; Yuva Magazine. (There are more, but we haven't kept good track of links.)
- The Green Star Club Package includes everything everyone else gets, plus we will periodically publish your name in a list of other "Green Star Club members." Upon request, we will also provide Green Star members one "mini-guest-post" (100-500 words) at their blog on a topic of their choosing (conditions apply).

To claim your prize
To claim your prize, you just have to drop us a line by email ( ), by facebook, or in the comment section telling us what you've done. We'll email (or FB message) your prize within 72 hours! No, we don't want your mobile phone number or your bank account details, as we are not planning to transfer $10 million from an somewhere account in Iraq to your account. But, like we said before, you won't be disappointed!
And so this post will not be completely devoid of substance, here is our list of top dozen posts of 2009.
Green Light Dhaba's Best of 2009
- Moonshots and Monsoons: A modest proposal for food security
- The World is Not Fair and the GDP is Stupid: Economics for 9 Year Olds
- Ceiling Fans: Indian Green, Cheap and Best!
- "Naked India"-- Will a well-tested bomb make you safer?
- The No Salt Man: Gandhi Ji's Birthday and the Limits of "Blogging for Change"
- The "10,000 Year Flood" and other Fairy Tales: a realistic look at India's Extreme Weather
- Pedal Power: a Photo Essay
- Musings on Malls (guest post at Bhagwad's place)
- The Trouble with Trash (It's not the imported condoms we should be worried about!)
- What's wrong with our schools and why environmentalists should care
- Bhopal-by-numbers: Green Light Index #2
- Latest Word from Copenhagen: Greenwash
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