Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Copenhagen Kick Off: Greenpeace's striking ads, love letters to the future, and more

Well I know you are all waiting with baited breath to hear what the Green Light Dhaba has to say about the negotiations that are just now getting underway in Copenhagen.  I'll have something for you soon.  But I promised some very important people that I would give them a few more days to engage in hush-hush diplomacy before I announced the Dhaba's position. Fair enough?  Wouldn't want to give away the bottom line or anything like that.

In the mean time, I want to tip my hat to the 56 newspapers in 45 countries that ran this editorial yesterday.   When I sat down to read my copy of The Hindu last night, I confess I felt strangely moved.

And Greenpeace International has done it again, releasing a series of subway ads featuring our world leaders  looking sadder and older as they apologize from the year 2020 for what they didn't do today. You know how they say, seeing is believing? This is one of those things you just have to see.

If you feel moved to do something, you can go here to send a love letter to the future.  The top 100 videos, images or text messages will go in a time capsule to be opened in 100 years.  Many of the others will be available for viewing today, when they are really needed.

It is almost certain that the world's environmental problems will not be solved this week.  But it's a good time to get working on them. We'll be posting more ideas for things to do as the week progresses--if you have ideas, send them our way!


  1. Yes, that editorial was quite something. I can't help suspecting, though, that it was drafted at the WAN-IFRA conference held here in Hyderabad a few days ago, amidst surveys saying that publishers felt the most redundant arm of their business was the legal and ethical committees. (I have links somewhere).

  2. Tchah! That comment was from me.

  3. I think it was the fact that it was on the front page that got my attention. But I kept reminding myself not to get my hopes up. The forces of darkness are great. Or maybe we need a shift in metaphors; maybe the forces of darkness are really the good guys. The forces of artificial light and heat are the bad guys...hmmm

    As for journalistic ethics, don't get me started!

  4. Mr Hari,

    Have you checked this out yet http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/dec/04/bhopal-25-years-indra-sinha

  5. Thanks, Guest. That's an amazing piece; I hadn't seen it. Thanks for the tip.

  6. Good job you didn't get your hopes up - you've read the Danish Draft?

  7. It doesn't look like the Danish draft will go anywhere. And yes, I just gave it a quick once-over just now. I think the G-77 will have a hard time agreeing to limit overall emissions until they see real action on the part of the rich countries. So far the West has done a lot of talking, but not a lot of walking.

    Down the road, we are all going to have to change our ways, of course. That goes for rich people in India as well as rich people in the West. The sooner we start the better. Right now, I think we can agree to begin working on being more efficient. And the West needs to actually start driving less and paying more right now. There's a lot to think about.

  8. Oh, and hey - and excellent piece in The Archdruid Report. But what would it mean to scale back, really?

  9. @Space Bar: thanks for that link. I'll use it in today's post. It reminds us that overly optimistic economists may be...overly optimistic! And that the world is not fair.

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